Hooray! Our Book Fair is set for Monday-Friday of next week! We will stay open late for Book Fair Night on Tuesday, 3/29 from 4:15PM-7:00PM for parents to join us at our De Leon Library. Students are allowed to shop throughout the week during the day.
almost 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
book fair
almost 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
Book Fair
Learn how to load your child's e-wallet for shopping the book fair: https://players.brightcove.net/1543299976/Eyj59PHsg_default/index.html?videoId=6275847261001
almost 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
Our first Scholastic Book Fair starts next Monday, 3/28 through Friday, 4/1. Stay tuned for purchasing details, e-wallets you can load for student purchases, and more! Your support is greatly appreciated. Cash, credit, or e-wallet accepted.
almost 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
Book Fair
De Leon Families, please review the calendar for March 2022 testing dates. You can also view upcoming events using our homepage on the school website. https://deleon.mcallenisd.org/o/deleon/ Thank you for supporting our students.
almost 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
March Testing 2022
De Leon parents, please take a few minutes to let us know your opinion. Thank you. -- Padres de familia de De Leon, por favor tĆ³mese unos minutos para hacernos saber su opiniĆ³n. Gracias.
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
Parent Survey
Do you travel to work in agriculture industry? ĀæViaja para trabajar en la industria agrĆ­cola? Read the details about the Migrant Education Program. Lea los detalles sobre el Programa de EducaciĆ³n para Migrantes.
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
We would like to recognized our school counselors this week as we kick off National School Counseling Week! Thank you for all you do for our students, families, & school communities!
about 3 years ago, McAllen ISD
national school counseling week
Get informed about high school requirements/registration by joining this Zoom meeting with Nikki Rowe H.S. counselors on February 8, 2022. English Meeting ID: 264 787 1448 Passcode: 055341 Espanol ID de reuniĆ³n: 873 7696 5016 contraseƱa: 517192
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
TexPREP is an academic enrichment program for middle school and high school students. Students are eligible if they have the interest and potential for careers in the fields of mathematics, science, technology, and/or engineering. See flyer for details.
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
Get informed about high school requirements/registration by joining this Zoom meeting with Nikki Rowe H.S. counselors on February 8, 2022. See flyer for more details.
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
H.S. Pre Registration
H.S. Pre Registration
Order your yearbook today! Pre-order right now for only $35 until the end of January, while supplies last. Once they're gone, they're gone. Rm. 806 cash only or online store with credit card. Let's make awesome memories this year!
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
IB Middle Years Academy Parent Informational Meeting @ De Leon will take place January 12th and 13th in the library or via zoom. Please find details on the flyer below or reach out to Ms. Alaniz with questions.
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
IB Meeting
IB Meeting
Servicios acadƩmicos avanzados estƔ aceptando solicitudes para estudiantes dotados y talentosos de 12/8 a 1/14. Haga clic en el enlace para completar el formulario. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfDl2QQrfmXha8Co7z_bfK2w7BEQ8Ab0CCnZHOhxAPQhTBtg/viewform
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
GT Nomination
Advanced Academic Services is taking applications for G.T. Nominations December 8th through January 14th. Click the link to complete online application & consent form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfDl2QQrfmXha8Co7z_bfK2w7BEQ8Ab0CCnZHOhxAPQhTBtg/viewform
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
GT Nomination
IB Middle Years Academy at De Leon Application Opens Monday, January 10, 2022 via School Mint https://mcallenisd.schoolmint.net For more info contact Ms. K. Alaniz kimberly.alaniz@mcallenisd.net 956-632-8800
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
IB Application
The Transportation Department, with a little help from the Literacy folks, has started a great initiative called Ride and Read. Bus students just scan the appropriate QR code to access texts from Scholastic Magazines, Common Lit, and other sources. Happy Reading!
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
Ride and Read
Any 7th and 8th Grade Girls interested in Soccer, there will be a meeting on Tuesday, December 7 from 4:15-4:20 in the cafeteria. Soccer tryouts/evaluations begin Monday December 13 after school. Any questions see Coach Banda or Coach Vela.
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
Soccer Meeting
We are so excited at our De Leon Library to celebrate 12 Days of Reading starting Wednesday, December 1st! Give yourself the treat of reading this season. Visit our library to find the BEST BOOKS!
about 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
12 Day of Reading
November 18, 2021 is National Parental Involvement Day. Thank you to all parents and family members for their involvement in their child's education! El 18 de noviembre del 2021 es el DĆ­a Nacional de ParticipaciĆ³n de los Padres. Ā”Gracias a todos los padres y miembros de la familia por su participaciĆ³n en la educaciĆ³n de sus niƱos!
over 3 years ago, Yonia Martinez
Parent Involvement